Megaphonim – Namal Ashdod EP incl. Simple Symmetry Remix

Tel Aviv super group Megaphonim are bringing their off-kilter energy to Feines Tier in form of their new „Namal Ashdod“ EP with four original tracks and hell of a Simple Symmetry remix. Even though they’re all quite unique on their own, what unites the tracks is the combination of raw beats and vocals with an oddly catchy pop approach to the writing of the music. Be it in the aptly titled „After of Disaster“ with its let-loose energy, the slow-rolling „Lo Titfos Oti“, which could have been picked from an Andrew Weatherall (RIP) dj-set, or the title track with its break-beats and its unforeseeable left-turns, there’s always this playful and off-the-wall energy keeping the ball going and bouncing. And let’s not forget about the remix! Endlessly rising duo Simple Symmetry do what they have become known for very well here: Deliver an insanely groovy and relentless weapon of a track, guaranteed to blow the roof of every club, festival floor or after, however disastrous it might be. The EP also comes in form of a limited vinyl edition, so don’t sleep!

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300 pieces only.

Luca Musto – Nice Place, Bad Intentions REMIXED

Following his acclaimed debut album „Nice Place, Bad Intentions“ on Feines Tier, Luca Musto presents seven remixes from some of his favorite producers. Look forward to new interpretations from Powel, Middle Sky Boom, Xique Xique, The Revenge, Coss, Iorie and Madmotormiquel.

Pic: Oliver Kühnel

Feines Tier w/ Theus Mago, Philipp Fein & Shumi

Tickets an der Abendkasse ab 23h und online im VKK:

Gewölbe Club / Cologne / 24.06.2022 / 23:30 Uhr

Playtimes findet ihr auf unserer Website:

feel safe – feel free
Das Gewölbe soll für alle Gäste ein geschützter Ort sein. Deshalb gilt ab sofort ein striktes Fotoverbot im gesamten Klub.
Unabhängig von Herkunft, Geschlecht, sexueller Orientierung oder Religion erwarten wir von all unseren Gästen einen respektvollen Umgang miteinander. Homophobie, sexistisches oder rassistisches Verhalten sowie jegliche andere Form von Diskriminierung, Gewalt oder Beleidigungen haben im Gewölbe keinen Platz. Solltet ihr Zeug:innen von unangemessenem Verhalten werden oder selbst in eine unangenehme Lage kommen, wendet euch bitte jederzeit an unser Personal.

Bei verloren gegangenen Gegenständen bitte eine Mail an schreiben.


⌆ &&LULFT ⌆

13.05.2022 / Kater Blau Berlin / 23:59
irgendwie unangenehm wenn ich anrufe jetzt – jeden abend bis zum freitag abend hin oder ich weiß nich wie das bei ihnen geregelt ist?
▸ Constantijn Lange ▾ ʟɪᴠᴇ
▸ Dominik Marz
▸ Holger Hecler
▸ Isabeau Fort
▸ Johannes Klingebiel
▸ Kleintierschaukel ▾ ʟɪᴠᴇ
▸ Liesa
▸ Philipp Fein

⌆ &&LULFT ⌆

A-Tweed – Slime Mould Maze EP

New EP from Italian A-Tweed, a psychedelic freak journey this time mainly focused on digital sounds.
The title track „Slime Mould Maze“ is dedicated to Physarum polycephalum, a single-celled, brainless organism that can make “decisions” and solve mazes. A tribute to the weird side of nature.
„Midi Cooper“ is a track completely produced with digital sounds controlled via Midi. All samples come from original 1960s advertisings.
„Easels Ripped My Flesh“ is another pun to express A-Tweed’s love for Buchla synthesizers (Buchla Music Easel) and Frank Zappa’s music (Weasels Ripped My Flesh,1970).
The release includes two remixes by French producer Kubebe and German Tassilo Vanhoefen.

Feines Tier