Montagssorbet mit Laut & Luise – #056.2 Philipp Feins Sontagsmorbet

Wuäh, erstmal räkeln und krakäkeln, ein bisschen räcken und sträcken, die Tannennadeln aus den Augen gerieben und festgestellt ein nächster Advent rollt uns weiter in Richtung Benommenheit und Jahresende. Abermals Zeit met de Familich; Zeit für Sontagsmorbet mit Ancient Future Now eben.

Heute, Teil 2.0 (sagt man so pfiffig?), pustet euch Philipp Fein das nächste Licht aus der Birne. Von Gitter bis Gatter, ohne Schloss und Riegel, Beinen los auf die Leine, Viecherwärter und Bezähmer, ist er das was er so macht. Halt ein ganz, ein feines Tier.

Hier wird gerudert und nicht geschludert!


Atlantik – Snö EP (FT005)

Das Berlin-Kölner Duo Atlantik ist für ihre unglaublichen Live-Abriss Sets bekannt. Die Leute gehen ab wie Schmitz‘ Katze!
Clemens und Georg haben vor mehr als drei Jahren auf einer der Feines Tier Parties gespielt und wir haben uns direkt am ersten Abend in die Musik der beiden verschossen.
Atlantik sind Resident-Künstler im berühmten Berliner Sisyphos, wo sie regelmäßig ihren analogen Maschinenfuhrpark verkabeln, um in der Hammahalle die Gäste glückselig zu raven.
Die Snö EP enthält zwei Original Tracks und einen knusprigen Remix von Feines Tier Freund Schlepp Geist.


A1 Atlantik – Snö
A2 Atlantik – Snö (Schlepp Geist Remix)
B1 Onkalo

Vinyl-Release: 09.12.2016
Digital-Release: 16.12.2016

Blood Spencore Cover_Druck

Blood Spencore Cover_Druck
Foto von Robert Winter

Holger Hecler – Isla Sonido #03

Neuer Podcast von Holger Hecler für Sonido Trópico aus Sao Paulo. Zitat Holger: „This is a new podcast for my friends from Sonido Trópico.
They are an amazing crew from Brazil creating some of the best parties in São Paulo. I am happy that I have been able to play on one of their events already and I am honoured that they asked me to contribute a podcast to their new series „Isla Sonido“.

However, I would like to dedicate this podcast to all indigenous tribes and people who are fighting for their rights, their land and culture. Especially the Kayapo, the Maranhao, the Kapinawá, amongst others in Brazil and the Standing Rock Sioux supported by the Navajo in North Dakota (USA).

Thank you for your support.


Luca Musto – Situations EP (FT004)


Global release date: 4th November 2016


1. Luca Musto – Ticon
2. Luca Musto – Movements
3. Luca Musto – Sileo
4. Luca Musto – Situations feat. Louve

We are proud to present Luca Musto’s debut EP called Situations.

Luca Musto is an enthusiast of soul, jazz and blues, his electronic music – some call it ‚slow-house‘ – oozes of grooving beats and hypnotizing melodies.

With Italian roots reflecting rhythms through spaces into a musical mirror, you might get ready to set up cozy, yet grounded atmospheres. In every single track Luca’s vision of deeply impulsive ambiences moves on as the rolling beat does. His wide range of downlifting electronic vibes was already spread through several shows around Europe this summer including Feines Tier’s temporary homebase Jackwho in Cologne. One might be sure that this journey really has just begun.

Cover Artwork by Gonzales de la Fuente aka Ultragood Trip

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Johannes Klingebiel – Latewood Remixes

Johannes Klingebiel – Latewood Remixes (FT003)


1. Johannes Klingebiel – Latewood (Rhytch Remix)
2. Johannes Klingebiel – Latewood (Conga Fever’s Seksi Disco Remix)
3. Johannes Klingebiel – Latewood (David Hasert Remix)
4. Johannes Klingebiel – Latewood (Ruede Hagelstein Ruemix)

After the great success of Johannes Klingebiel’s debut solo EP we had absolutely no doubt that an extra package including top notch remixes by good friends of our label would be mandatory:

Berlin based Rhytch delivers the smoothest mix of the bunch, with the occasional glitch to spice it up and readjust your idea of a tight groove.
As you may have guessed Conga Fever’s Seksi Disco Remix brings you exactly everything you desire to have a hipshaking dance under the mirror ball and maybe a bit more.
Our friend and jack of all trades David Hasert provides an interpretation of Latewood you can definitely name Techno. However we would call it – it’s absolutely fire in the hole!
Last but not least Watergate resident Ruede Hagelstein strips the track down to its core parts and proves that the concept of „less is more“ is not just a theoretical, but a very practical and danceable one.

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101 Latewood Remixes585

Feines Tier